Kertas Kecil Media التطبيقات

Wedding Invitation Idea 1.0
Kertas Kecil Media
Wedding invites have shown a tremendous changeover time and this change is quite obvious with new generationstaking over. New designs and custom templates are introduced withevery passing day, according to the religions and traditions.Evolution of new color combination, materials used for card making,patterns, style and design can be seen with the increase in thenumber of local card vendors and digital domain. Designers areconstantly working on to come up with something new and unique toimpress their clients. Invites are not just a matter of invitingguests to become a part of the big day, but has become a statussymbol for families. People are spending a lot now a days on cardsthan earlier. Invitations are considered the most important part ofany occasion as they set the tone for the upcoming event in theminds of guests.=============================Many features in it:1. easily accessible2. can be accessed without using quotas3. the application is very light4. can be opened offline
Best Base COC Town Hall 6 2.0
Kertas Kecil Media
Aplikasi ini memudahkan anda dalam menyusunpertahanan anda dalam permainan Clash Of Clans pada Town Hall 6,Bagi anda yang ingin menentukan formasi atau Base dalam permainanCOC dapat anda unduh aplikasi ini sebagai referensi untukanda.Banyak Fitur di dalamnya :1. mudah diakses2. dapat diakses tanpa menggunakan kuota3. aplikasi sangat ringan4. dapat dibuka secara offline======================================Best Base CLAN WAR Clash Of Clan Town Hall 6. This application isthe best defense to start a Clan War Clash Of Clan from the TownHall 6, an awful lot of defence in it. For those of you that wantto apply on your game this application is perfect.------------------------------------This app is a lot of ease1. Easily accessible2. Can be accessed without using quotas3. The application is very light4. Can be opened offline
Aneka Desain Kebaya Modern 2.3
Kertas Kecil Media
Aplikasi kebaya modern terbaik merupakankumpulan dari beragam model baju muslim kebaya modern yangdigandrungi oleh masyarakat dari berbagai usia mulai yang muda,remaja hingga yang tua dan bahkan oleh pengantin dan ibu hamil.Salah satu contoh model kebaya muslim yang tengah tren saat iniadalah kebaya muslim kombinasi, entah itu kombinasi dengan batikdengan gamis dengan songket dan masih banyak lagi bahan lokal lainyang membuat model baju muslim kebaya modern terbaru saat ini jadilebih elegan dan mengikuti perkembangan jaman.Keunggulan Aplikasi ini :1. Dapat Dijalankan tanpa kuota (Offline)2. Tampilan Praktis dan menarik3. Aplikasi sangat mudah dipahami4. Ukuran Aplikasi Tidak Terlalu besar, sehingga tidak membuatsmartphone anda lambat.Application of the bestmodern kebaya is a collection of diverse models of modern kebayaMuslim clothing that is loved by people of all ages ranging fromyoung, teenagers to the elderly and even by brides and expectantmothers. One example of kebaya Muslims amid the current trend iskebaya Muslims combination, whether it is in combination with batikwith the robe with songket and many more local ingredients other tocreate a model Muslim dress modern kebaya latest when it becomeseven more elegant and changing times.The advantages of this application:1. Can run without quotas (Offline)2. Display Practical and attractive3. The application is very easy to understand4. Size Application Not too big, so it does not make yoursmartphone is slow.
DIY Home Decoration 1.0
Kertas Kecil Media
Do-It-Yourself projects are fun to do.Fromsimple things you can find at home to something more usefulandfun, it could turn to be an instant home decoration spreethateveryone can admire and follow. Moreover, Do-It-Yourselfprojectscan bring out your creativity and resourcefulness.Engagingyourself into this kind of activities also hones yourskills,making you improve in the craft that you are inclined to do.This app is a lot of ease1. Easily accessible2. Can be accessed without using quotas3. The application is very light4. Can be opened offlineDo-It-Yourselfprojectsare fun to do. From simple things you can find at home tosomethingmore useful and fun, it could turn to be an instant homedecorationspree that everyone can admire and follow. Moreover,Do-It-Yourselfprojects can bring out your creativity andresourcefulness.Engaging yourself into this kind of activities Alsohones yourskills, making you improve in the craft that you areinclined todo.This app is a lot of ease1. Easily accessible2. Can be accessed without using quotas3. The application is very light4. Can be opened offline
Best Base CLAN WAR COC 2.0
Kertas Kecil Media
Best Base CLAN WAR Clash Of Clan TownHall1-10. This application is the best defense to start a ClanWarClash Of Clan from the Town Hall 1-10, an awful lot of defenceinit. For those of you that want to apply on your gamethisapplication is perfect.------------------------------------This app is a lot of ease1. Easily accessible2. Can be accessed without using quotas3. The application is very light4. Can be opened offline
Mehndi Simple Design 2.0
Kertas Kecil Media
Mehndi Arabic designs are very popular in allover the world. Arabic Mehndi is one of the most commonly knowntypes of Mehndi designs. It is composed of large simple floralpatterns beautifying the hands and feet of women, though reflectingthe skill and expertise of the artists and individuality of designsfrom all other traditions surrounding the Arabian Peninsula.This app is a lot of ease1. Easily accessible2. Can be accessed without using quotas3. The application is very light4. Can be opened offline
Home Garden Design 1.0
Kertas Kecil Media
Installing home and garden decor is a greatwayto make your home and garden attractive, appealing and arelaxingplace to stay. Before you enter your home, you see thegarden. Bycreating a welcoming and pleasantly inviting atmospherein yourgarden, you are creating a welcoming introduction to yourhome. Notonly that - there are times when you just want to spendtimeentertaining or relaxing in your garden, so it's fun to keepitpleasing to everyone's eyesIn choosing home and garden décor, first you have to knowwhatyou want and what style you are looking for. One way ofdeterminingwhich décor to buy is by setting a theme to your garden.Thin aboutwhat you would like your garden to look like - whataccessories youwould like to see, and what plants and trees you'dlike to add.Here are some of the theme ideas that you canincorporate with yourhome and garden décor: butterfly, temple,sundial, Japanese, water,winter, and jungle.=========================This app is a lot of ease1. Easily accessible2. Can be accessed without using quotas3. The application is very light4. Can be opened offline
Best Maps COC TH 5 1.0
Kertas Kecil Media
Base Map COC Town Hall 5, Best Base MapClashOf Clan Town Hall 5. This application is the best defense tostarta Clan War Clash Of Clan from the Town Hall 5, an awful lotofdefence in it. For those of you that want to apply on yourgamethis application is perfect.==================On Base Map COC Town Hall 5☆ Clan War Base☆ Defense Base☆ War Base☆ Farming Base☆ Hybrid Base------------------------------------This app is a lot of ease1. Easily accessible2. Can be accessed without using quotas3. The application is very light4. Can be opened offline
Aneka Resep Sambal 1.0
Kertas Kecil Media
Berbagai aneka jenis bahan resep olahansambalpedas pilihan terbaik dan terpopuler sesuai selera denganpilihanrasa dan menjadi sebuah ciri khas daerah asalnya dikemasdalam satupaket resep sambal pilihan nusantara. Bagi masyarakatindonesia,sambal merupakan pelengkap utama dalam sebuah sajianmasakan yangbiasa sehari­hari mereka makan. Tanpa adanya sambalterasa ada yangkurang dan yang perlu kalian tahu bahwa sambalmerupakan salah satupemicu nafsu makan yang efektif.Keunggulan Aplikasi ini :1. Dapat Dijalankan tanpa kuota (Offline)2. Tampilan Praktis dan menarik3. Aplikasi sangat mudah dipahami4. Ukuran Aplikasi Tidak Terlalu besar, sehingga tidakmembuatsmartphone anda lambatA variety ofdifferenttypes of materials processed chilli recipe and the bestselectionof the most popular personalized with a choice of flavorsandbecame a hallmark of the region of origin packed in onepackagesauce recipe selection archipelago. For the people ofIndonesia,sambal is a major complement to an ordinary dish everydaydishesthey eat. Without the sauce was lacking and that needs you toknowthat chili is one trigger an effective appetite.The advantages of this application:1. Can run without quotas (Offline)2. Display Practical and attractive3. The application is very easy to understand4. Size Application Not too big, so it does not make youslowsmartphone
Aneka Resep Masakan Laut 1.0
Kertas Kecil Media
Resep Masakan Laut Enak. Pola hidup yangsehatharus lah kita lakukan sejak dini. Banyak yang bisa dilakukanuntukmelakukan pola hidup yang sehat salah satunya denganmengkonsumsimakanan tinggi protein, hal ini bisa berdampak baikbagi tubuh kitakarena protein merupakan salah satu nutrisi yang dibutuhkan untukkesehatan tubuh kita. Protein ini dibutuhkan olehtubuh untukmembentuk jaringan otot. Fungsi lainnya yaitu untuk zatpengaturdan membantu hormon dalam proses pencernaan juga untukpenyeimbangPh dalam tubuh. Salah satu makanan yang tinggi proteinadalahmakanan laut, namun banyak jenis ,makanan laut yang malahkurangbaik untuk kita konsumsi, berikut beberapa jenis Sn. danberikutakan saya paparkan jenis makanan laut yang memilikikandunganprotein tinggi yang baik untuk dikonsumsi.Keunggulan Aplikasi ini :1. Dapat Dijalankan tanpa kuota (Offline)2. Tampilan Praktis dan menarik3. Aplikasi sangat mudah dipahami4. Ukuran Aplikasi Tidak Terlalu besar, sehingga tidakmembuatsmartphone anda lambat.Delicious SeafoodRecipes.A healthy lifestyle should be the one we did early on.Much can bedone to make healthy lifestyle one of them with foodshigh inprotein, it could be good for our bodies because protein isone ofthe nutrients needed for the health of our bodies. Thisprotein isneeded by the body to form muscle tissue. The otherfunction is toassist regulators and hormones in the digestiveprocess also for thePh balance in the body. One of the foods thatare high in proteinare seafood, but many types, seafood even lesswell for ourconsumption, following some kind of Sn. and thefollowing I willdescribe different types of seafood that has ahigh protein contentis good for consumption.The advantages of this application:1. Can run without quotas (Offline)2. Display Practical and attractive3. The application is very easy to understand4. Size Application Not too big, so it does not make yoursmartphoneis slow.
Ready For Battle Yu-Gi-Oh!
Kertas Kecil Media
Here is a list of cards from Yu-Gi-Oh!Structure Deck along with pictures. Detailed card list (spoiler)for Battle Pack: Epic Dawn including all the information for eachcard in the set. Ready For Battle!
Best Deck Arena CR 1.1.1
Kertas Kecil Media
Battle Deck Arena - This deck is built aroundto counter and exploit the opponent's mistakes. From Arena 1 toArena 5, most players make many mistakes. The most common mistake Isaw when I tried the decks were opponents who were too offensive.This deck has lots of good defensive troops to stop you pushingyour opponents and then take crown their tower in a nice counterattack. There is also a low elixir cost deck at 3, 6, a good thingfor new players as well.More fully functional applications:Can be easily storedCan be used as backgroundCan be distributed to friendsCan be used for online / offlineDisplay with materialUpdate every day
DIY Creations from Box 1.0
Kertas Kecil Media
Probably most of us have a lot of usedgoodsthat are unused and piling up in garage soon discarded. Whenwelook at some used items can be processed and reused so that ithasa value of function and aesthetics.Here's an idea for you that can be applied in your home inmakinga variety of creative ideas from the Box.Features of this application:Easily accessibleCan be accessed without using quotasThe application is very lightCan be opened offline
Best Battle Deck Clash Royale 2.1
Kertas Kecil Media
Greetings, Clash Royale fans! we’re comingatyou with another set of the best decks, strategies and battletipsour readers have been using this week for Arenas 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,6and 7. After the balancing changes it took a little time toadjuststrategies, but our readers were definitely up for thechallenge.If you are looking for tips, tricks and decks that arewinningArenas 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 check out the five we havelistedbelow. Or, if you are looking for beginner strategies orearlierdecks we’ve featured, see our entire Clash Royaleaplicationstream, here.we have the mighty Epic P.E.K.K.A deck. If you were luckyenoughto obtain the P.E.K.K.A, then getting to Royal Arena will notbe aproblem for you. Now the main weakness to the Pekka is thathe’seasily distracted by hordes or barbarians, goblins, orskeletons.So we need to couple him with lots of splash attackersand areadamaging spell cards, and so we have the best combinationof thatwith the Bomber, Wizard, Baby Dragon, Fireball, and Arrows.Ouropponent is going to have an incredibly difficult time stoppingthePekka. We also can’t neglect defense, so we also have Barbarianstostop opposing Prince, Hog Rider, or even a P.E.K.K.A.Happy Clashing!
Aneka Resep Ice Cream 1.0
Kertas Kecil Media
Banyak Berbagai aneka resep ice cream yangkamusajikan untuk anda. Dapat anda praktekkan di rumah anda.Aplikasi ini mempunyai fitur :1. Mudah untuk dipergunakan2. Dapat digunakan secara offline3. Tidak berat di Memori Smartphone andaLots of varietyofdifferent ice cream recipe that you presented to you. Youcanpractice at your house.This app has a feature:1. Easy to be used2. Can be used offline3. Not heavy on your Smartphone Memory
Aneka Resep Masakan Daging 1.0
Kertas Kecil Media
Menu olahan masakan kuliner yang berbahandasardaging sapi bisa diolah menjadi aneka menu masakan apa saja.Dagingsapi yang merupakan salah satu daging pilihan sudahmenjadikebutuhan makanan untuk memenuhi asupan gizi bagi tubuh.Berikut ini kami sajikan lebih dari +50 Resep masakanberbahandasar daging. Keunggulan Aplikasi ini :1. Dapat Dijalankan tanpa kuota (Offline)2. Tampilan Praktis dan menarik3. Aplikasi sangat mudah dipahami4. Ukuran Aplikasi Tidak Terlalu besar, sehingga tidakmembuatsmartphone anda lambat.Menu refinedculinarydishes made from beef can be processed into a variety ofmenu withmany dishes. Beef is one of the meat of choice has becomethe needof food to meet the nutritional intake to the body.Here we present more than +50 meat-based cuisine recipes.Theadvantages of this application:1. Can run without quotas (Offline)2. Display Practical and attractive3. The application is very easy to understand4. Size Application Not too big, so it does not make yoursmartphoneis slow.
Baju Pengantin Islami 1.0
Kertas Kecil Media
Aplikasi ini memudahkan anda dalammendesainsekaligus untuk inspirasi Baju Pengantin Islami. BanyakMacam BajuPengantin Islami Dirangkum Secara Menarik dan Praktis,anda bisamencoba inspirasi Baju Pengantin Islami dalam satuaplikasiini.=======================================Banyak Fitur di dalamnya :1. mudah diakses2. dapat diakses tanpa menggunakan kuota3. aplikasi sangat ringan4. dapat dibuka secara offlineThis applicationallowsyou to design as well as to inspire Islamic Wedding Dresses.ManyKinds of Islamic Wedding Dresses Compiled By AttractiveandPractical, you can try to inspire Islamic Wedding Dresses inasingle application.=======================================Many features in it:1. accessible2. can be accessed without using quotas3. The application is very light4. can be opened offline
Jadwal Bioskop Indonesia 1.0
Kertas Kecil Media
Aplikasi pencarian Jadwal BioskopSeluruhIndonesia Terlengkap. Dapat mengetahui Jadwal Film TerupdatediBioskop Kesayangan anda, Terdapat Fitur Waktu PemutaranFilm,Tempat Bioskop dan Harga.SearchapplicationsComplete Schedule All Indonesian Cinema. Movies canfind out theschedule is updated on your Beloved Theaters, ShowtimesareFeatures, The Cinema and Price.
10 Malaikat dan Tugasnya 1.0
Kertas Kecil Media
Sebagai umat Islam kita harusmengenalnama-nama malaikat kita sejak dini, dalam aplikasi inimenjelaskanjuga mengenai Tugas-tugas para malaikat, Aplikasi inisangat cocokuntuk anda sebagai pembelajaran.Keunggulan aplikasi ini :1. Dapat dijalankan tanpa kuota (Offline)2. Aplikasi sangat mudah dipahami3. Ukuran Aplikasi Tidak Terlalu besar, sehingga tidakmembuatsmartphone anda lambat.
SIM Guru Pembelajar 1.0
Kertas Kecil Media
Program Guru Pembelajar adalah salah satuupayadalam peningkatan kapasitas guru honorer melalui kegiatanpendidikandan pelatihan (diklat) yang ditujukan untuk para gurunon PegawaiNegeri Sipil (Non PNS).Learner Teacher Programisan effort to increase the capacity of honorary teachersthrougheducation and training (training) intended for teachers ofnonCivil Servants (Non PNS).
Battle Deck Arena Clash Royale 1.1
Kertas Kecil Media
Best Deck And Guide Clash Royale - Asastrategy game Player vs Player (PvP) gameplay Tower Defense,deckstrength that you have not always guarantee victory. ClashRoyalein order to win, you have to pay attention to many things,rangingfrom the power of the card, timeliness, to defend andattackstrategy was good.This guide app is not associated, affiliated, endorsed,sponsoredor approved by ©SuperCell creator of Clash Royale.
Info Bidik Misi 2016/2017 1.0
Kertas Kecil Media
Selamat datang !BIDIKMISI adalah bantuan biaya pendidikan yang hanya ditujukanuntukcalon mahasiswa tidak mampu (miskin)Keunggulan Aplikasi ini :1. Dapat Dijalankan tanpa kuota (Offline)2. Tampilan Praktis dan menarik3. Aplikasi sangat mudah dipahami4. Ukuran Aplikasi Tidak Terlalu besar, sehingga tidakmembuatsmartphone anda lambat.
Aneka Resep Masakan Bayi 1.0
Kertas Kecil Media
Makanan sehat bayi yang sudah menginjakusiasatu tahun, pada dasarnya ia sudah boleh mengkonsumsi makananmenupadat yang hampir mirip dengan orang dewasa, hanya saja padamasaini tetap harus dibatasi dan diperhatikan dengan baik beberapazatyang tidak diperbolehkan untuk di konsumsi bayi usia 1 – 2tahun.Misalnya , makanan yang mengandung pengawet, pewarnabuatan,pemanis buatan, pelezat makanan, garam berlebih, gulaberlebih, danjenis makanan yang pedas.Tetapi saat ini masih banyak ibu yang merasakebingunganmenetapkan perhitungan gizi yang pas untuk menu makanananak 1tahun yang pas untuk anaknya. Biasanya anak pada umur inijuga akanmengalami kesulitan saat makan atau tidak berselera makan.Tidakjarang juga, ibu takut memberikan terlalu banyak makananyangnantinya akan membuat anaknya obesitas. Oleh karena itu, disinikita akan membahas beberapa tips resep makanan sehat untuk anak1tahun.Keunggulan Aplikasi ini :1. Dapat Dijalankan tanpa kuota (Offline)2. Tampilan Praktis dan menarik3. Aplikasi sangat mudah dipahami4. Ukuran Aplikasi Tidak Terlalu besar, sehingga tidakmembuatsmartphone anda lambat.Healthy food baby whowasat the age of one year, basically he was allowed to consumesolidmenu that is almost similar to adults, except that in thisperiodshould still be restricted and considered properly somesubstancesthat are not permitted for consumption of infants aged 1- 2 years.For example, foods containing preservatives, artificialcoloring,artificial sweeteners, pelezat food, too much salt, toomuch sugar,and the types of food that spicy.But now there are many mothers who felt the confusionsetsnutrition calculation, fitting into the diet of children 1 yearfitfor children. Usually the child at this age will alsoexperiencedifficulty eating or no appetite. Not infrequently,mothers feargiving too much food will make her obesity. Therefore,here we willdiscuss some tips on healthy recipes for children 1year.The application advantages:1. Can run without quotas (Offline)2. Display Practical and attractive3. The application is very easy to understand4. Size Application Not too big, so it does not make youslowsmartphone.
Aneka Resep Es 1.0
Kertas Kecil Media
Pada Aplikasi ini menawarkan minumansegardengan racikan yang enak dan unik . biasanyaminuman-minumanseperti ini dinikmati saat bersantai sekedarmenghabiskan waktusenggang ataupun berkumpul dengan teman ataupunkeluarga .penyajian yang unik dan menarik membuat minuman ala cafemempunyaiharga yang cukup lumayan mahal . namun semua itu takmasalah bagipara pecinta minuman segar ala cafe .Keunggulan Aplikasi ini :1. Dapat Dijalankan tanpa kuota (Offline)2. Tampilan Praktis dan menarik3. Aplikasi sangat mudah dipahami4. Ukuran Aplikasi Tidak Terlalu besar, sehingga tidakmembuatsmartphone anda lambat.In this applicationoffersa refreshing drink with a blend of delicious and unique.usuallydrinks such as is enjoyed while relaxing than spendingleisure timeor get together with friends or family. presenting aunique andattractive cafe-style drinks have made a pretty heftypriceexpensive. but it did not matter for lovers of freshbrew-stylecafe.The advantages of this application:1. Can run without quotas (Offline)2. Display Practical and attractive3. The application is very easy to understand4. Size Application Not too big, so it does not make youslowsmartphone.
Info Kode Bank (ATM Bersama) 1.0
Kertas Kecil Media
Aplikasi Info Kode Bank ini merupakanaplikasigratis dan dapat dijalankan secara offline atau tanpakuota, andabisa laangsung mencari kode bank apa yang akan andacari. Aplikasiini sangat mudah digunakan. dan banyak berbagai fiturdidalamnya.====================================Keunggulan aplikasi ini :1. Dapat dijalankan tanpa kuota (Offline)2. Aplikasi sangat mudah dipahami3. Ukuran Aplikasi Tidak Terlalu besar, sehingga tidakmembuatsmartphone anda lambat.4. Banyak Kode bank di dalamnya.Application Info BankCodeis a free application and can be run offline or without quota,youcan search for the code bank laangsung what you'll find.Theapplication is very easy to use. and a lot of different featuresinit.====================================Advantages of this application:1. Can be run without a quota (Offline)2. The application is very easy to understand3. Size Application Not too big, so it does not make youslowsmartphone.4. Many bank code in it.
Sofa Set Design 1.0
Kertas Kecil Media
Lot of Assorted design sofa in thisapplicationwhen you want to create a unique sofa, attractive andtasty usedthis application is suitable for you.Features of this application:Easily accessibleCan be accessed without using quotasThe application is very lightCan be opened offline
Jadwal Imsak Seluruh Kota 1.0
Kertas Kecil Media
Mengetahui Jadwal Imsakiyah 2016 Di BulanPuasaRamadhan ini adalah sangat penting bagi setiap kaum muslimyangingin mengerjakan puasa ramadhan di tahun ini.Sudah semestinya kita persiapkan Jadwal Imsakiyah PuasaRamadhanDi tahun 2016 lebih dini agar mengetahui dengan pasti kapanwaktuberbuka dan kapan waktu untuk makan sahur. Karena tanpamengetahuijadwal imsak bisa-bisa batal puasanya.Kata 'Imsak' berasal dari bahasa arab yang artinya'menahan'.Sedangkan kata 'Imsakiyah' secara khusus maksudnya adalahwaktumulai menahan sebelum terbitnya fajar (masuknya waktu subuh)sampaiterbenamnya matahari, bagi orang yang sedang melakukanibadahpuasa.Nah, Jadwal Imsakiyah adalah jadwal yang menerangkantentangbatas-batas waktu puasa dimana orang yang berpuasa harusmulaimenahan diri dari hal-hal yang bisa membatalkan puasanyasampaiwaktu berbuka di bulan ramadhan ini. Dalam JadwalImsakiyahbiasanya juga disertakan jadwal waktu shalat, dan syuruq(waktumatahari terbit).Dengan Jadwal Imsakiyah ini diharapkan kita akan bisamengetahuisecara pasti kapan harus sahur dan jam berapa waktuberbuka puasa.Ada banyak pihak yang menetapkan Jadwal Imsakiyah,diantaranyaadalah Kemenag / Depag (Departemen Agama), RukyatulHilalIndonesia, MUI, Muhammadiyah, Lajnah Falakiyah dll.
Khutbah Jumat Lengkap 1.0
Kertas Kecil Media
Khutbah Jum’at adalah salah satu bagiandariwasilah (sarana-sarana) dakwah yang bermanfaat bagi segenapkaummuslimin, tentunya selain majelis-majelis ta’lim rutin yangbiasakita hadiri. Dan dakwah melalaui Khutbah Jum’at ini tentusasarandakwahnya lebih luas, karena yang hadir dan mendapatkanfaedah darikhutbah tersebut tidak hanya para tholibul ilmi (santri)saja,tetapi masyarakat sekitar masjid dan seluruh kaum musliminyanghadir saat itu.Mengingat pentingnya hal tersebut, maka pada kesempatan iniinsyaAlloh kami akan sampaikan untuk segenap kaum muslimin dimanasajaKumpulan Khutbah Jum’at PilihanBanyak Pilihan Khutbah Jumat di dalam aplikasi ini SemogamenjadiPanutan dan dapat dipelajari untuk anda.Friday Khutbah is onepartof wasilah (means) propaganda that is beneficial to all theMuslims,of course, in addition to assemblies during informalroutines thatwe usually attend. And propaganda melalaui FridayKhutbah iscertainly preaching to the wider, because the presentand get availof the sermon is not only the tholibul ilmi(students), but thecommunity around the mosque and all the Muslimswere present.Considering its importance, so on this occasion Insha Allahwewill convey to all Muslims everywhere options setFridayKhutbahFriday Khutbah many options in this application May be arolemodel and can be studied for you.
Aneka Resep Masakan Korea 1.0
Kertas Kecil Media
Aplikasi ini menyajikan berbagai resepmasakankorea, banyak sekali resep yang terdapat di dalamnya yangdisajikansecara mudah dan praktis cocok untuk anda, aplikasi inijuga dapatdijalankan offline dan resep akan diupdatesewaktu-waktu.Banyak Fitur di dalamnya :1. mudah diakses2. dapat diakses tanpa menggunakan kuota3. aplikasi sangat ringan4. dapat dibuka secara offlineThis applicationpresentsa variety of Korean recipes, a lot of the recipes containedthereinare presented in an easy and practical suits you, thisapplicationcan also be run offline and recipes will be updated atanytime.Many features in it:1. accessible2. can be accessed without using quotas3. The application is very light4. can be opened offline
Aneka Resep Kue Kering 1.0
Kertas Kecil Media
Aplikasi ini memudahkan anda dalam membuatbanyak Aneka Resep Kue Kering. Banyak Macam Aneka Resep Kue KeringDirangkum Secara Menarik dan Praktis, anda bisa mencoba aneka macamresep dalam satu aplikasi ini.Banyak Fitur di dalamnya :1. mudah diakses2. dapat diakses tanpa menggunakan kuota3. aplikasi sangat ringan4. dapat dibuka secara offlineThis application allowsyou to make a lot Assorted Pastries Recipes. Many Kinds AssortedPastries Recipes Compiled By Attractive and Practical, you can trya variety of recipes in one of these applications.Many features in it:1. accessible2. can be accessed without using quotas3. The application is very light4. can be opened offline
Cara Membuat Origami 2.0
Kertas Kecil Media
Aplikasi ini menyajikan banyak caramembuatOrigami untuk anak anda agar anak anda lebih kreatif. caramembuatorigami item, termasuk barang-barang sederhana untukanak-anak.Termasuk sejarah kertas lipat dan dollar billorigami.How To Make OrigamiKeunggulan Aplikasi ini :1. Dapat Dijalankan tanpa kuota (Offline)2. Tampilan Praktis dan menarik3. Aplikasi sangat mudah dipahami4. Ukuran Aplikasi Tidak Terlalu besar, sehingga tidakmembuatsmartphone anda lambat
Surat Yasin Digital & Terjemah 1.0
Kertas Kecil Media
Aplikasi ini menyajikan Bacaan SuratYasinBeserta Beserta terjemah.Banyak Fitur di dalamnya :1. mudah diakses2. dapat diakses tanpa menggunakan kuota3. aplikasi sangat ringan4. dapat dibuka secara offlineThis applicationpresentsReading Letter Yasin Along Along with thetranslation.Many features in it:1. accessible2. can be accessed without using quotas3. The application is very light4. can be opened offline
Aneka Kreasi Boneka 1.0
Kertas Kecil Media
Menyajikan aneka kreasi membentuk bonekauntukdipraktekkan anak anda menjadikan anak anda kreatif.Keunggulan Aplikasi ini :1. Dapat Dijalankan tanpa kuota (Offline)2. Tampilan Praktis dan menarik3. Aplikasi sangat mudah dipahami4. Ukuran Aplikasi Tidak Terlalu besar, sehingga tidakmembuatsmartphone anda lambat.Presents a varietyofcreations form a doll for your child practice making yourchildcreatively.The advantages of this application:1. Can run without quotas (Offline)2. Display Practical and attractive3. The application is very easy to understand4. Size Application Not too big, so it does not make yoursmartphoneis slow.
Resep Makanan Pendamping ASI 1.0
Kertas Kecil Media
Banyak berbagai Aneka Resep MakananPendampingASI untuk bayi umur 0-36 bulan Terlengkap. Bagi anda yangbingungMakanan apa saja untuk pendamping ASI aplikasi ini sangatcocokuntuk anda.Keunggulan Aplikasi ini :1. Dapat Dijalankan tanpa kuota (Offline)2. Tampilan Praktis dan menarik3. Aplikasi sangat mudah dipahami4. Ukuran Aplikasi Tidak Terlalu besar, sehingga tidakmembuatsmartphone anda lambat.Many differentAssortedRecipes Complementary feeding for infants aged 0-36monthsTerlengkap. For those of you who are confused any food forweaningthis app is perfect for you.The advantages of this application:1. Can run without quotas (Offline)2. Display Practical and attractive3. The application is very easy to understand4. Size Application Not too big, so it does not make yoursmartphoneis slow.
Ceramah Ramadhan Lengkap 1.0
Kertas Kecil Media
Dalam bulan yang mulia ini, tentu sajasemuaorang ingin mendapatkan pahala sebanyak-banyaknya untuk bekaldiakhirat nanti, karena pada bulan Ramadhan pahalaakandilipatgandakan berkali-kali. Untuk itu seluruh umat Muslimdiseluruh penjuru dunia pasti tidak ingin menyia-nyiakanbulanRamadhan yang begitu mulia untuk menggali pahala. Banyak carayangbisa dilakukan untuk menggali pahala, Selain amalan-amalanyangwajib seperti Sholat, Puasa dan Zakat tentunya masihbanyakamalan-amalan lain yang bisa dilakukan. Kertas KecilMediamenyediakan Aplikasi kumpulan Ceramah Ramdhan 30 Harisecaralengkap singkat dan padat.Ceramah ini juga bisa dijadikankultumdan tuntutan sehari hari.Keunggulan Aplikasi ini :1. Dapat Dijalankan tanpa kuota (Offline)2. Tampilan Praktis dan menarik3. Aplikasi sangat mudah dipahami4. Ukuran Aplikasi Tidak Terlalu besar, sehingga tidakmembuatsmartphone anda lambat.In the glorious monthofthis, of course everyone wants to get as much reward fortheprovision in the next, because the month of Ramadan the rewardwillbe multiplied many times. For that all Muslims throughout theworldcertainly do not want to waste the month of Ramadan which issoprecious to dig reward. Many ways can be done to dig thereward,besides the obligatory deeds such as prayer, fasting andZakatcourse there are many other deeds that can be done. SmallPaperMedia provides a collection of applications Ramdhan 30-DayLecturein full brief and can also be used padat.Ceramah Kultum anddailydemands.The advantages of this application:1. Can run without quotas (Offline)2. Display Practical and attractive3. The application is very easy to understand4. Size Application Not too big, so it does not make yoursmartphoneis slow.